Excessive exposures to everyday toxins coupled with impaired detox capability due to poor diet and lifestyle are a double whammy that can contribute to impaired metabolism and chronic disease. Many symptoms can give us clues as to how toxins might be affecting us.
It’s inevitable that we’re exposed to toxins in our everyday environment, since they exist in food, water, air, personal care products, our homes, our cars, our offices and more. In the last 70 years, more than 80,000 chemicals have been introduced into our environment, greatly increasing our level of exposure.
We all have a built-in capability to detoxify and excrete a certain level of toxins. This is variable depending on our genetic makeup, and our lifestyle such as our nutrient input (many, many nutrients are needed for detox), our hydration, stress, sleep, and exercise. However we, and others working in the functional medicine space, regularly see the negative health effects of today’s excessive toxin exposure, coupled with a lowered capability to detoxify due to poor diet and lifestyle. Essentially, our detox systems can easily become overwhelmed contributing to metabolic disturbances and chronic disease.
So if you’re curious to know whether you’re already exhibiting symptoms of excess toxicity, take this short questionnaire! Toxicity Symptoms Questionnaire
Hang on to this score and see how you improve after you finish the healthRESET*.
Everyday toxicity is one big reason for our quarterly healthRESET programs. In fact, as has been said before, we need to continue to DETOX because we continue to RETOX! In the healthRESET™ we take six days and really focus on safely and effectively flushing out toxins while restoring nutrient and metabolic balance, and all-important gut health. Of course, it’s also a good idea, as much as possible, to keep eating ‘clean’ and living a healthy, low-toxin lifestyle in between.
Whether you’re already exhibiting the signs of toxicity, or whether you want to prevent the negative effects of toxin exposures, a healthRESET™ can help optimize your health.
*If, like some of us, you have very low scores… does this mean you don’t have a toxic burden? Unfortunately, no. We all do. If you haven’t done a detox in recent months, join us to maintain your good health! That’s what we’ll be doing.