Hello Everyone-
What were the hottest FxMed trends of 2016? Read on to find out…
As we roll full-swing into the Holiday Season, we’re releasing a ‘throw-back’ list (below) of our most popular content of 2016. It was so much fun to put together, reflecting on what you, our readers, have been most interested in. Our Methylation Diet & Lifestyle eBook page received the most hits by a long way! We’ve had such nice feedback on that publication as we continue to educate and create more content around that. Cancer and the Ketogenic Diet topped the list for blogs, followed by our Intro to Tongue Diagnosis. In fact, all of the nutrition physical exam content we have on the site made our top 20 list. OK, I got it, we’ll keep that coming!
I love generating new content, it’s one of my favorite activities: writing up experiences with patients; having a space to discuss new ideas in science and medicine. I also appreciate your feedback, be it positive and glowing, or challenging; the latter often prompting some beneficial reflection on my part. I also value your questions, curiosity and ideas. Those of us drawn to FxMed are indeed a lucky bunch. There is NO end to the passion and enthusiasm, be we practitioners or not. Thank you for joining us on our journey.
I am eternally grateful to our sponsors who, by advertising with us, enable me and my team to devote energy and time to writing and publication. All of the companies who sponsored us this year, including Metagenics, Doctor’s Data, Designs for Health, Dunwoody Labs, Integrative Therapeutics and Orthomolecular Products, Precision Analytical, Genova Laboratory and DrHRejoint, Gaia are companies that I trust for myself and my patients, and use regularly in my clinical practice. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions about them or check out their websites!
Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays and all my best for the New Year!
Top Trends
- Methylation Diet and Lifestyle E-book
- Cancer, Low Carb Diets and Tumor Keto-Adaptation
- Introduction to Tongue Nutrient Diagnosis in Functional Medicine
- A Pack of Smart Hedonistic Types with a lot of Anxiety and high brain dopamine: A Case History of a Family Homozygous for the COMT Val158Met Mutation
- The Skin Microbiome
- Leaky Gut Bone Broth Recipe
- 6 Things You Need to Know About Marketing Yourself as a Practitioner
- Episode 16: Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease & the Calorie-Restricted Ketogenic Diet
- Expanding Our View on Leaky Gut
- Autism and Cerebral Folate Deficiency
- Methylation – What’s the Fuss?
- Fingernails: A Window Into Your Metabolic Soul
- SIBO and Chapped Lips
- Episode 7: From Cell to Soul. A Functional Approach to Women’s Hormone Management
- The Rash That Wouldn’t Quit
What would be the folate brand that is recommended for autism? As I read, 1mg per body weight?
As a short-term therapeutic “probe”, folinic acid, or combination folinic/5mTHF yes, 1 mg/kg body weight.