New IFM Resources for COVID

Excellent resources from the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), regularly updated, including foundational and straightforward strategies to support sleep and stress, ways to boost immunity, and virus-specific nutraceutical and botanical agents. From the IFM: “IFM is creating a series of…

Free Teach-In with Dr. Samuel Yanuck for Clinicians

“It’s essential that natural approaches for patients with SARS-Cov2 do two things: support efficient anti-viral immune surveillance and also quiet inflammation, so there’s enough room for the inherently inflammatory process of killing pathogens to take place without moving the patient…

Thoughts on COVID-19 from Jeff Bland PhD

As he often does, Dr. Bland contextualizes COVID-19 in a way that brings clarity and renewed purpose. Having originally shared these thoughts via email, Dr. Bland kindly approved us to share them here for others too. “I think that it…