Romilly Hodges, CNS CKNS CDN IFMCP mBANT CNHC, is a clinical nutritionist and Programs Director for Dr. Kara Fitzgerald. Romilly has written peer-reviewed publications, book contributions and many online articles. She is the author of the book Immune Resilience; The Breakthrough Plan to Protect Your Body and Fight Disease published in 2022 by Avery, a division of Penguin Random House. She has contributed to professional training courses and supervised practice programs for functional medicine and nutrition professionals. Romilly has also worked in clinical research, including designing the study diet for the first-of-its-kind epigenetic diet study run through the National University of Natural Medicine, as well as follow-up clinical research. She currently serves on the Board of the Accreditation Council for Nutrition Professional Education. We have both the opportunity and responsibility to change the trajectory of chronic disease through targeted, personalized nutrition, lifestyle and environmental interventions.

Indoor Air

The Best Indoor Air Purifying Machines… and Plants!

Surprisingly, indoor air can often be more polluted than outdoor air. Particles from home heating and cooling systems, tobacco smoke, off-gassing from furniture and building materials, and mold spores can all contaminate indoor air. Of course, outdoor air pollution can also make its way indoors when windows are open – traffic pollution particles in built-up areas and next to roads, chemical pesticide sprays in agricultural areas, and even mercury and ozone that are carried by wind over long distances.

climate change

Climate Change Series Part 1 – Planetary Health Equals Personal Health

As most of us go about our daily lives, climate change and planetary health may seem relatively removed. Yet all it takes is a few dots to connect our individual lives with the bigger environmental picture. In this Part 1 of our 2-part Climate Change series, we’ll shine the light on 8 very real points of health impact that will affect you and those you love.


Spelt and The Many Shades of Gluten Reactivity

Dr. Elke Cooke, one of the bright-light participants in our current Professional Education cohort, called our attention to spelt. As Dr. Cooke argued, even though it does contain some types of gluten proteins, spelt may in fact be an option for some gluten-reactive individuals. Read on to find out why, and how to go about determining gluten-reactive individuals who may potentially be able to tolerate spelt.