How to Get the Most From Your Probiotic – A Doctor’s Advice
A probiotic is defined as a product or preparation that contains one or more microorganisms that when consumed, maintains or restores beneficial bacteria to the digestive tract
A probiotic is defined as a product or preparation that contains one or more microorganisms that when consumed, maintains or restores beneficial bacteria to the digestive tract
Happy almost new year folks! We are recapping on the absolute best and most popular content from the last 12 months. This covers all three primary sections on our site including content from our Professional Blog, our Consumer Blog, and of course, Frontiers in Functional Medicine Podcast. Please enjoy this round up as chosen by…
What unexpected benefits can you get from a detox? Suzanne’s experience with our healthRESET® detox program was so transformational she asked if she could..
Not all nutritionists practice in the same way. Yes, we all absolutely care about nutrients. And most of us care about food as medicine (!). But if you’re a nutritionist trained in Functional Medicine, your approach goes much, much further.
The holidays can be a tricky time for anyone with dietary restrictions. That’s why we wanted to give you this list of easy, yet scrumptious recipes…
But what about our myriad dietary requirements – serious snag or ‘s-no problem? Read on to find out! Learn why an Elimination Diet is a fundamental…
If you have been through a hurricane, flood or other severe weather event, we hope you and your loved ones came through unscathed, and with minimal property damage. We know not everyone has been so lucky. Health may seem a luxury, compared with the realities of losing a home, precious possessions, food shortages, and contaminated water. Survival takes priority for a time.
Bone is not a static entity in our body. Our body is continually actively forming bone, as well as breaking it down—a process called bone remodeling.
In today’s ever-connected world, we love to use technology to help us reach our health goals. If it’s something that will simplify a task or make our…
At our practice, we see lots of folks with challenging skin conditions. The one commonality among all of them? Diet!