first responder

Tactical Nutrition for First Responders

“One of our lead nutritionists, Janine Henkel, is a former first responder. This blog, written “from the heart” by Janine is for anyone on today’s front lines, including those working in healthcare and essential services through these challenging times. We appreciate you so much. It’s also for anyone who needs their brain and body to function to its highest level at a moment’s notice and, as Janine likes to say – “anyone who isn’t guaranteed a bathroom break.” Moms of young kids included (we know what you have to do!). Truth is, there is wisdom here for all of us, even those of us at home day in, day out, trying not to make too many trips to the refrigerator. Tuck in…”

Optimizing Metabolism by Fueling the Microbiome: Details of Biotics’ new "MetabolicBiome™ Plus Program from Dr. Alex Vasquez

Sponsored | Episode 81: Optimizing Metabolism by Fueling the Microbiome: Biotics new MetabolicBiome™ Plus Program from Dr. Alex Vasquez

New Frontiers in Functional Medicine® Podcast Sponsors Dr. Kara Fitzgerald is eternally grateful to our sponsors who, by blogging, podcasting and advertising with us, enable me and my team to devote energy and time to writing and publication. Biotics Research Corporation utilizes “The Best of Science and Nature” to create superior nutritional supplements, available exclusively…

Dr. Terry Wahls on how The Wahls Protocol came to be, and How to Launch Your Own Clinical Research Trial

Episode 79: Dr. Terry Wahls on how The Wahls Protocol came to be, and How to Launch Your Own Clinical Research Trial

We are all familiar with the Wahls Protocol. But how about the story behind the protocol? Did you know, for instance, that her director at U of Iowa (Terry is a clinician-researcher) told her to write up herself as a case report? That was the first step. Her “N of 1”; then she wrote up a case series. Then she received a small grant and product for a slightly larger study. Then a million dollars. And now she’s heading into her largest study to date (yes, you will be able to refer patients). Listen to our New Frontiers conversation on how YOU as a FxMed clinician can contribute to the body of research demonstrating that: What. We. Do. Works.

Episode 72: Behind the Scenes with Dr. Sara Gottfried and the Brain Body Connection

Episode 72: Nocturnal Hypoglycemia & Continuous Glucose Monitoring: the amazing Dr. Sara Gottfried & advanced metabolic monitoring

By far, my most wide-ranging conversation to date with my friend and colleague Dr. Sara Gottfried as we dive into her experience using a continuous glucose monitor and addressing fairly severe nocturnal hypoglycemia, to addictions and genetics, taming the dopamine-deprived COMTer, and lots of women’s health. Sara is an open book in such a lovely, inspiring way. How would a concussion lead to brain-body? (ok, there’s an obvious connection in that title, haha) but get all of the backgrounds in our convo.

Cornerstone Interventions for GERD with Victoria Albina

Episode 71: Sponsored | Cornerstone Interventions for GERD with Victoria Albina

Take a second and think about this: what clinical presentation would prompt you to prescribe cognitive behavioral coaching, breathwork or meditation? Did GERD make your list? Along with gentle, but powerful botanicals and nutraceuticals (IT’s Motility Agitator, DGL Chewables, Heartburn Advantage), these are cornerstone interventions for GERD in the practice of Victoria Albina, NP, MPH.