Episode 72: Behind the Scenes with Dr. Sara Gottfried and the Brain Body Connection

Episode 72: Nocturnal Hypoglycemia & Continuous Glucose Monitoring: the amazing Dr. Sara Gottfried & advanced metabolic monitoring

By far, my most wide-ranging conversation to date with my friend and colleague Dr. Sara Gottfried as we dive into her experience using a continuous glucose monitor and addressing fairly severe nocturnal hypoglycemia, to addictions and genetics, taming the dopamine-deprived COMTer, and lots of women’s health. Sara is an open book in such a lovely, inspiring way. How would a concussion lead to brain-body? (ok, there’s an obvious connection in that title, haha) but get all of the backgrounds in our convo.


4 Powerful Tools (You Can Start Today!) for Preventing and Reversing Cognitive Decline

Are you interested in protecting your brain function? Do you sometimes feel like you can’t think straight, or that you’re losing memory recall? Do you have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease in your family and are wondering how to protect yourself from heading in the same direction? You’ve arrived at the right place.