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Good Food, Good Sex and A Long Healthy Life!

Live Younger with Food and Sex?

Live Younger with Food and Sex?

Does one small Italian village in Italy hold the key to the fountain of youth? Could it be as simple as healthy eating and lots of sex? Scientist have been fascinated with the Italian village Acciaroli where 81 of its 700 residents are 100 years or older. And in a world where women usually outlive men, the centurions in this village are split evenly. The locals are free from heart disease, dementia and other ailments associated with aging. Their diets are mostly Mediterranean based on olive oil, vegetables, fruit and fish. They eat rosemary every day, which is known to improve brain function, lead an energetic lifestyle due to the steep streets and have an active sex life.

Another aspect of biochemistry may also play a role. Lower-than-normal levels of adrenomedullin, a hormone that acts to widen blood vessels were found in these villagers. This seems to act as a powerful protecting factor, helping the optimal development of microcirculation (capillary circulation), according to the scientists at Rome’s Sapienza University and the San Diego School of Medicine. They have decided to extend the study and expand their research. We can’t wait to find out more from this amazing village!

News brief written by Michelle Gottfried, nutrition team.

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