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From CDC: Weekly Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) 02-01-20 through 08-01-20

CDC Covid Death Statistics Graph

What do you think is going on here? The main report is that the death counts lag behind infection rates. But the pandemic (I like the term “patchwork pandemic”) has been raging through Florida, Arizona and Texas for quite some time now. Are we looking at a less lethal SARS CoV-2? It would appear so. Or, will we see a jump here in the weeks that come like we did back between 03-21-20 and 03-28-20? Or, was the incidence of COVID-19 much, much higher than reported in the North East (yes, it was…) and the death rates reflected that? Anyway, at a glance this figure would suggest a very different pandemic from the one scourging the NorthEast corridor a few months ago. Curious about your take.  If you go to the CDC site, you can look at death counts for age categories if you scroll your cursor over the figure.

This is regularly updated.

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