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The Sugar Scourge

When I was a youngin’ in my early 20’s, the low fat craze was gaining some serious traction. I imprinted hard on the concept. In fact, I specifically remember going to the grocery store with “low fat” in mind and discovering the cornucopia of foods I could consume. I was SO excited!

Twizzlers? Fat free! Snack Well cookies? Low fat enough to be fair game. Hard candy? Soda? Popcorn? Yes, yes, yes!

I gave this new diet the serious college try. How could I not with these “healthful” choices? And I also clearly recall my dismay in discovering that despite STRICT adherence (twizzlers for dinner?), and a heavy bicycling workout, I was getting fat.

It was a bit of a biochemical head scratcher for me, and a serious lesson learned around dubious dietary trends. Now, I solidly understand the sugar>insulin>fat/inflammation connection. Nothing stokes the generation of adipose (and associated total-body inflammation) like SUGAR. I recall a professor in medical school stating that sugar would be regulated as a drug should it have been discovered more recently….

With all this said, I am excited to check out a few documentaries coming down the pike looking closely at the scourge that is sugar in our woefully sugar-addicted society. Check ‘em out: That Sugar FilmSugar Coated, Sugar Rush.

Have you seen any of these? What do you think?

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