man hanging from pull-up bar

Grip Strength – Are You Underutilizing This Predictor of Aging and Health?

Grip strength declines with age – this is an unwelcome change I’ve noticed even in myself, despite a good, consistent resistance training habit through adulthood. Jars that were completely uneventful for me, I need more effort to open, or resorting to using a jar-opening tool. This is in part, what makes me interested in grip strength.

Video Blog: Does Multivitamin Use Increase Mortality Risk?

Could taking a daily multivitamin actually increase mortality risk (i.e. risk of death)? This video blog takes a deep dive into the problematic research methodology of a 2024 research study on multivitamin use and mortality risk which caused a stir on popular media and news outlets.


Immune Health as You Age: How Urolithin A Is Revolutionizing Longevity

Often, we only think of our immune system seasonally— as something we need to boost during winter months to bolster our ability to fight colds and flu. However, we should be thinking about our immune health daily as a system in our body that is susceptible to aging, just like our brains, muscles, and other critical organs. As we age, the immune system undergoes significant changes that contribute to increased vulnerability to infections and disease. Even our risk of cancer goes up with age due to a decline in immune system function. Exciting new research involving urolithin A shows a promising new way to target immune aging, offering potential strategies to maintain a more resilient immune system as we grow older.


The Most Affordable Lab-Based Epigenetic Age Tool – The PhenoAge Calculator

Biological “clocks” based on epigenetic age have been around for just over a decade. Steve Horvath, a PhD scientist at UCLA launched the field with his original 2013 pan-tissue clock that predicted chronological age with head-turning accuracy. Other researchers subsequently crunched their own epigenetic (DNA methylation) data and applied advanced mathematical models to similarly predict age with their own “clocks”, resulting in a suite of available epigenetic age assessments – each with similarities but also notable differences. Some of these are more widely available for non-researchers to use than others.

woman doing yoga outside

Valuable Insight into Gut Health from DUTCH Hormone Testing

When seeking health advice, we’ve all heard the recommendation, “start with the gut.” Whether we have high cholesterol or heavy periods, it always somehow comes back to the gut, right? Why is that? Well, it’s probably because the state of our gut affects the health of every organ system in our body, and because of this, a healthier gut tends to improve how we feel and function on a day-to-day basis. Many people only think to use a stool test to evaluate gut health, but the DUTCH Test may also yield valuable insights through its measurement of cortisol, hormone metabolites, and organic acids.

Video Blog: Interpreting the Latest (Controversial) Research on Fish Oil

  In this 15-minute video blog segment, Dr. Fitzgerald discusses a controversial study on fish oil and cardiovascular disease that was published in the British Medical Journal earlier this year titled Regular use of fish oil supplements and course of cardiovascular diseases: prospective cohort study with former clinic resident Tish Campbell PhD. Find the study full…

How Hormone Monitors are Changing the Way Providers Care for Women

From changing the way pregnancies are planned to helping women anticipate perimenopause – female hormone trackers are here, and they’re helping clinicians provide better care for patients. This blog will take a closer look at what hormone monitors can do, how to choose the right one for your patients, and how they can help you see improved outcomes in a range of clinical scenarios.