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Inflammation resolution is a key strategy for escalating COVID-19 symptoms – a new paper and free DrKF webinar replay

From the folks that brought us Specialized Pro-resolving Lipid Mediators (SPMs), comes a new peer-reviewed paper that highlights the potential for SPMs in addressing pro-inflammatory cytokine production and cytokine storm in COVID-19.

SPMs stimulate macrophage-mediated clearance of cellular debris and reduce pro-inflammatory cytokine levels. They also promote anti-viral B cell antibodies and other white blood cell activity.

According to the study’s lead author, “Controlling the bod’s inflammatory response to COVID-19 will likely be as important as anti-viral therapies or a vaccine.”

Click here for the full paper.

Dr. Fitzgerald recently presented to practitioners on the topic of Inflammation and the Role of the Inflammasome, including SPMs and other potential interventions.

You can watch the free webinar replay here.


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