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Natural Fertilizers Tryptophan & Glycine Increase Nutrient Density of Apples

We know that chemical fertilizers are harmful to us and the environment, but are there good alternatives? This new study comes up with an intriguing option!

The known effects of chemical fertilizers include an increased risk of cancer, impaired fetal brain development, decreased soil biodiversity, contamination of water sources and contribution to greenhouse gases.

In their quest to find healthier fertilizer options, researchers sprayed tryptophan and glycine (common components of dietary proteins) on apples three times during two growth seasons and found a significant increase in total chlorophyll, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and boron and a reduction in fruit drop percentage. This study offers intriguing data on additional natural fertilizer options that not only benefit the health of those eating the produce but also the health of the environment.

The easiest way to choose environmentally-friendly, healthier fertilizers is to look for organic options, readily available commercially. Perhaps tryptophan and glycine sprays will be used in the future too!

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