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Anti-Allergy Salad

Anti-Allergy Salad

Anti-Allergy Salad

Our anti-allergy salad includes quercetin-rich apple, onion, parsley and broccoli sprouts combine with anthocyanins in blueberry and red onion, and omega-3 rich flaxseed and salmon to produce a potently anti-histamine meal for anyone suffering with seasonal allergies. For more information on combatting allergies naturally, read our blog here!


What natural steps can we take to reduce symptoms?

First of all, do what you reasonably can to reduce exposure within reasonable limits. This can involve using HEPA filters in the home, showering before bed or when you come in at the end of the day to remove pollen especially from your face and hair, washing bed clothes more frequently, and nasal irrigation with a neti pot.

Next, we can look at diet, since it has a direct effect on immune system function, and can directly affect levels of inflammation and histamine in our body. Oftentimes, allergic responses are exacerbated when the body is overloaded with triggers, and diet is an obvious place to start decreasing that burden. Not only that, our diet offers incredible opportunity to drive anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine activity in our body. Here’s what you can do:

Recipe: Anti-Allergy Salad

Course Salads
Servings 2



  1. First combine the flaxseed oil with the parsley and season generously with salt and pepper. Set aside.
  2. Next toss together the remaining ingredients and place in two salad bowls.
  3. Drizzle with the parsley dressing and serve immediately with a nice tall glass of water to keep you hydrated!
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