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Calming the Panic: Practical Information About COVID-19 to Ease Your Fear



This blog was contributed to by Marcelle Pick, MSN, OB/GYN, NP.

Marcelle is currently an educator with The Institute of Functional Medicine and has served as a Medical Advisor to Healthy Living Magazine, writes a weekly newsletter for, and lectures on a variety of topics including weight loss resistance, infertility, stress & illness, and adrenal dysfunction. She is the author of The Core Balance Diet, Is It Me or My Adrenals? and Is It Me or My Hormones?. She has appeared on Dr. Oz, FOX, and ABC and has been featured in Glamour Magazine, ELLE Magazine and Women’s World Magazine. Marcelle’s PBS show, Is It Me or My Hormones? is a favorite among viewers.


What can I do to take care of myself and my family?

The very first thing I want you to do is breathe. Stop whatever you are doing, clear your mind, and take a deep breath for seven counts. Hold for seven counts, and then exhale for seven. Do this whenever you feel panic begin to take hold.

Now listen closely when I tell you that this is the perfect time to change what you’ve been doing – the constant running around, eating processed foods and filling up on sugar, depriving yourself of necessary sleep – all of that can wreak havoc on your immune system. To avoid contracting COVID-19 – and any other virus – you need a strong, healthy immune system. How can you boost your immune system? Here are a few tips:


What can I do to relax and de-stress?

Now more than ever, you need to take time for yourself. You cannot ignore self-care, especially if you’ve suddenly become a homeschooling, work from home parent who also has elderly relatives you’re concerned about. Keeping up with healthy habits might seem impossible, but it’s a must! Here are a couple of ideas on how to soothe anxiety and keep yourself going strong.


How can I avoid infection and help stop the spread of COVID-19? 


Finding Opportunity and Optimism in Trying Times

I said it before, and I’ll say it again – no one knows what will happen right now. We’re all doing the best we can to continue living our lives in the midst of uncertainty. But I want you to know that I have faith that you can and will make it through this.

Yes, the world may be a different place when this is behind us. And maybe that’s a good thing. The way society has been functioning, with the vast discrepancies of wealth vs. poverty, infighting, and the terrible way we’ve cared for ourselves and each other, it’s time for a big change.

Here are a few ideas on pulling together in these difficult times:


We WILL survive this crisis with patience, trust, and self-care

Anytime an unfamiliar disease begins to spread widely, we need to pay attention. We need information. We need to carefully consider who should leave their homes, and when. We need to limit large gatherings.

We also need to trust in ourselves and remain calm. A level head will allow you to consider all of the ways you can take care of yourself, and those you love. Worry is hard to avoid but dwelling on it will create even more chaos in your body – so now is the time to support that body in any way you can.

Food is the most powerful tool you have for keeping yourself healthy. Avoid the impulse to stock up on processed foods and go for the fresh fruits and vegetables that are still in plentiful supply. Add a quality multivitamin to your daily routine, if you don’t already take one. Give your gut some extra support with a probiotic. Be sure you’re getting enough Vitamin C and D.

Finally, take a deep breath and remember that the world is not ending. Take this time to reconnect with your family and slow yourself down. Look for resources online to help de-stress and center yourself. And above all – just breathe!


Reviewed by Dr. Mark Menolascino, MD

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