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Free Teach-In with Dr. Samuel Yanuck for Clinicians

“It’s essential that natural approaches for patients with SARS-Cov2 do two things: support efficient anti-viral immune surveillance and also quiet inflammation, so there’s enough room for the inherently inflammatory process of killing pathogens to take place without moving the patient…

Thoughts on COVID-19 from Jeff Bland PhD

As he often does, Dr. Bland contextualizes COVID-19 in a way that brings clarity and renewed purpose. Having originally shared these thoughts via email, Dr. Bland kindly approved us to share them here for others too. “I think that it…

Humidity helps your nose eliminate viruses

The nose and sinuses are designed to protect us from viruses using small, finger-like projections called cilia that literally beat back infections. Cilia love humidity; when your sinuses and nasal passages get too dry, the cilia have a hard time…

COVID-19 *MAY* present with digestive symptoms

Digestive symptoms may be the first signs of COVID-19 infection, for some people. While a dry cough and fever are typically conveyed as the symptoms to watch out for, this new study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology reports that…

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