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How Gut Health Impacts Cardiometabolic Disease

As research on gut barrier function and gut microbes (aka the gut “microbiota”) expands, more is realized about the interconnectedness of the human body.  One of the surprising areas is in the way that an unhealthy microbiota is a key…

Diet Alters Period Pain and Duration

Diet has a strong influence on a woman’s cycle. In our clinic, we have successfully used dietary and lifestyle strategies to help individuals with painful, heavy, periods and other types of menstrual and hormonal concerns.

Blood Type and Risk for Severe COVID

This quote from The Scientist, in reference to the three preprint papers below: “They found that people with blood type A were at a higher risk for respiratory failure, while blood group O seemed to be protective. The odds for…

Higher Serum Chemicals Linked with Celiac Disease

Having increased exposure to environmental chemicals, such as those found in pesticides, non-stick cookware, and fire retardants, is positively associated with increased incidence of Celiac Disease. Specifically, young individuals with high serum levels of dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) are twice as likely…

FDA Food Labeling Regulations are Relaxed During COVID

Food label regulations have been temporarily loosened by the FDA in response to supply disruptions reported by the food industry. What does this mean for consumers? Importantly, consumers should know that food manufacturers are allowed to make formulation changes, including…

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