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Beets are a methylation superfood for a specific phytonutrient they contain – betaine. This important methyl donor plays a big role in keeping methylation cycles humming. Some delicious recipe options include:

Oven baked beet chips   Beet tahini sauce   Beet-Beef Burger and Salad

If you don’t like beets, however, or find it difficult to regularly consume them, a beet supplement is a good alternative.

Dosage: Take according to the product directions

Creatine is often used by athletes, but can also be a useful “backdoor” methylation support supplement, especially for those who don’t tolerate B vitamins well, and those with cognitive decline, muscle loss, fatigue, or extra energy requirements.* This supplement also contains betaine, another highly useful DNA methylation-supportive compound.

Beets support healthy methylation cycles by providing betaine for the conversion of homocysteine to methionine.* They are also considered nitric oxide activators for healthy vascular function.*

NAD+ Gold is a potent source of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a stable precursor to NAD+, the body’s cellular energy and age management molecule.

NAD+ Platinum is an excellent combination of NMN (a stable NAD+ precursor), betaine, quercetin and resveratrol to deliver multi-targeted aging support.

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