Younger You Intensive, an 8-Week Virtual Group Program

Next Group Begins Spring 2025

Get expert guidance and coaching to enact the dietary and lifestyle program Dr. Fitzgerald used in her pioneering clinical trial. In the study, participants that followed this program reduced their Bio Age by an average of over 3 years compared to controls.

The Younger You Intensive, an 8-Week Virtual Group Program is based on Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s research and bestselling book Younger You which details her groundbreaking work supporting epigenetics and DNA methylation for optimal healthspan and lifespan.

Whether you are new to Younger You or not, you can enjoy the numerous benefits of this immersive and practical program. In addition, our group program gives you access to our like-minded community, which we also know helps support reduced bio age.

Let’s get younger together™!

Happy healthy young woman outside


In this program, you’ll receive:

  • Instructions for how to accurately follow the research-based 8-week dietary and lifestyle program
  • Goal setting, program trackers, meal plans, kitchen tips, and exclusive recipes, tips for better sleep, tips for navigating intermittent fasting, and much more
  • 9 weekly virtual, live group coaching sessions (includes one additional session during the “prep” week) led by our Younger You clinical nutritionists
  • Guided use of the bio age assessment quiz to monitor changes to your subjective bio age
  • Closed, monitored Facebook group for additional support and discussion
  • Guided relaxation practices
  • Exercise goals that are feasible for everyone to do, and meet you at your level
  • Guidelines to improve your sleep quality
  • Impactful ways to reduce toxin exposure
  • Guest appearances from Dr. Fitzgerald
  • Discounted prices on the supplements used in the study (optional add-on, details provided after checkout)
  • Details on laboratory bio age testing (optional add-on, details provided after checkout)
  • A certificate celebrating your completion of the Younger You Intensive Program
Woman using laptop


  • Discussions and Q&A that keep you informed, motivated, and connected
  • Problem solve together, to help you stay on track
  • Reap the benefits of COMMUNITY – which also contributes to slowing aging
  • Ongoing guidance from our Younger You educated and experienced nutrition team
  • Access anywhere, right from your device
  • Tap into this unique, research-based program at an affordable price

What some of our past participants have to say about the Younger You group program

Being in a group makes it easier to follow the recommendations of the Younger You Intensive.”

Felt healthier during this group program. I didn’t expect to lose weight eating so much food, but I did drop a few pounds which is normally difficult for me. The intensive was not so difficult to follow but I will start to incorporate more foods now. I will likely do this eating plan again on my own. This group program helped motivate me to make my health and bio age a top priority.

“Great program that covers key, fundamental pillars that support optimal wellness.


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