The PhenoAge Calculator uses 9 blood-based biomarkers, plus your chronological age, to predict biological age. The blood-based biomarkers needed can be found on standard laboratory tests. This makes it a biological age assessment that is broadly available to use, even around the globe.
Step 1: Gather your biomarkers
- Albumin (mg/dL)
- Creatinine (mg/dL)
- Glucose (mg/dL, must be a morning reading, fasting)
- C-reactive protein (mg/L, CRP)
- Lymphocytes (%)
- Mean cell volume (fL, MCV)
- Red cell distribution width (%, RDW)
- Alkaline phosphatase (U/L, ALP)
- White blood cell count (10^3 cells, mcg/L)
These biomarkers can be found on the following standard laboratory (hematology) tests:
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Chemistry screen
Step 2: Use the PhenoAge Calculator
Enter your details below to access the PhenoAge Calculator in a downloadable Excel file. The follow the instructions further down on this page to enter your data.
Open the file and enter your biomarker values plus your chronological age in the spreadsheet in the row marked “Input.” You’ll be writing over the blue values that are already there. Once they are all entered (and make sure you hit “Return” on the final cell you input), the spreadsheet will give you a value for your biological age in the orange area marked Biological Age (DNAm PhenoAge).
About the PhenoAge Calculator
Drs. Horvath and Levine published on the PhenoAge calculations in the Journal Aging: An epigenetic biomarker of aging for lifespan and healthspan. In this paper, they provide evidence of its performance in predicting a variety of aging outcomes, including “all-cause mortality, cancers, healthspan, physical functioning, and Alzheimer’s disease.”
Creation of the above spreadsheet tool using the PhenoAge calculations is attributed to John G. Cramer PhD, Professor Emeritus – Physics, Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle.