Case studies are a critical first step in demonstrating the efficacy of functional medicine and helping to construct testable hypothesis for future research directions. Comprehensive, well-referenced case studies may be found in my book, Case Studies in Integrative and Functional Medicine.

The Rash That Wouldn’t Quit

Clinicians, if you read anything today, read this: A case of total body contact dermatitis of unknown etiology, hives and dermatographism. Ellen found my practice after listening to a podcast I did on allergic disease with Dr. Amy Meyers for her Autoimmune Summit. It’s at times like these that I’m glad I do outreach of…


Age-Specific Phenotypic Expression of Food Allergies

We in functional medicine have long been aware that children can start out with a clearly identified food allergy. As the child ages, the primary allergic symptoms fade and some other clinically relevant presentation appears in its place. For example: we’ll see a classic milk allergy in infancy — often as milk colitis.


SIBO and Chapped Lips: A Connection?

It’s winter. Chances are that if you live anywhere cold and dry, your lips have been chapped at least once this season. For most of us, we slather on the lip balm and all is well. But for some folks, the chapped lip experience is an entirely different animal: A relentless cycle of peeling and healing, peeling and healing that no amount of lip balm resolves. Lips are fissured and inflamed, making…


We Are What Our Gut Bugs Eat

A patient named Barbara bounded into my office. She threw herself into a chair, and looked at me with eyes of terror, guilt and shame. I knew from her countenance that it was confession time. She launched into her story, retelling an all-too-familiar tale: She hadn’t stuck with her anti-inflammatory diet. Her food cravings, she explained, were out-of-control, and she was miserable….


Fingernails: A window into your metabolic soul

Nails. They’re a handy surface to decorate; they help us pick up objects, scratch an itch and protect our fingers and toes. But did you also know that nails can tell us a lot about your health and your well-being? For most of us, fingernails are completely renewed in about six months. That means that our nails are a six-month medical record incomparable to any physical exam component.


Gluten Free and Thyroid Disease Free: An Update on Lilly

The last time we met, Dear Reader, before I high-tailed it on out of the blogosphere for the summer, I introduced you to Lilly and her thyroid woes. Below are her original thyroid studies that she obtained from her primary care doctor and brought to our first meeting.


Gluten-Free: Cliché or Catastrophe?

What do Al Roker, country singer Josh Turner and pregnant “celebutant” Kim Kardashian have in common? If you head over to, you will learn that they are all eating gluten free. As is Lady Gaga. She’s apparently “gluten free by choice.”


OMG, I have the flu!!

I had the flu last week. Here’s the e-lament I managed to tap out on my phone in a shameless plea for sympathy: “I am so sick it hurts to pee or breathe or think or move my eyes.
