Mushroom and spinach quinoa in bowls

Savory Spinach and Mushroom Quinoa

This is a delicious dish to whip up for any meal – top with eggs for breakfast, include roasted salmon or your additional protein of choice for lunch or dinner, or enjoy it simply as a vegan dish. Quinoa is…

Foods high in iodine

Iodine Deficiency, Breast Health, and Hormone Balance

Iodine was discovered in 1811 by French chemist Bernard Courtois while processing ingredients for gunpowder. In extracting sodium salts from seaweed by treating it with sulfuric acid, he observed a purple vapor rising from the seaweed. This substance was eventually…

Ancient Dukkah Spice Blend

Ancient Dukkah Spice Blend

From Nutrition resident: Jacquelyn Lombari Adapted from: Cannelle et Vanille   The nutritional importance of spices can often be overlooked; however, they are a great way to add both flavor and medicinal benefits to your home cooking regime. Dukkah (derived…

Middle Eastern Shakshuka

Middle Eastern Shakshuka

This delicious ethnic dish is a perfect way to warm your heart and your belly during a cold winter day. It should leave you feeling energized and satisfied.