
Essential Advice for Choosing Dietary Supplements

Supplement quality is a hugely important issue. There have been many instances of supplements not containing what they claim to, containing contaminants they are not supposed to (including ones that can be harmful), cost-cutting with cheaper nutrient types, and overstating health impacts. Learn how to navigate your dietary supplement selection right here with advice from our Nutrition Team. 


How to Reduce the Risk of Tick and Mosquito-Borne Illnesses and Still Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Our Clinical Development Program for Functional Medicine Practitioners recently enjoyed the benefit of two excellent guest lecturers on the topic of tick-borne diseases – Dr. Tom Sult and Mary-Beth Charno APRN-C. Their expert knowledge inspired our nutrition resident, Dorie Passen, to write this important article on how to prevent these illnesses that we so often see as ongoing drivers of chronic symptoms in our patients. Given the meteoric rise in tick-borne illnesses over the last decade-plus, we hope you this information is helpful to you in enjoying a safe and happy outdoors this season (and many more)!