Clinician Position for SHC

Research and News February 2017

B12 – Regulator of Microbial Communities and More
Omega-3s and Traumatic Brain Injury
Antibiotics Can Stimulate Bacterial Growth
How Microbes Can Cause Autoimmunity
Is Your Loved One Depressed? Show Them More Love
Benefits of Fish Oil-Derived Proresolvins for Asthma May Be Blocked by Steroids
Have you heard of ASIA—Autoimmune/Autoinflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants?
Our Aging Brains: To Drink or Not to Drink?
Keeping Blood Pressure Under 120 Would Prevent 107,500 Deaths Per Year in US

Clinician Position for SHC

Research and News January 2017

Clinical remission from UC and Crohn’s with diet alone
Low levels of airborne manganese exposure and Parkinson’s
Methylation adaptogen from cruciferous veggies supports bone health via epigenetic changes
How Inflammation blocks weight-loss
Origins of our microbiome-in utero, birth canal or both?
The downstream effects of acid suppressants
Our Modern Diet Revealed in Our Teeth
High-Dose Vitamin C and Cancer
20 Minutes of Exercise Curbs Inflammation
Polyphenols from plant foods improve athletic performance
Lead induces DNA hypermethylation and weight gain in animals
Stress ages your cells
Flavonoids Fuel Fat-Free Form
Want to Break a Poor Eating Cycle? Change Your Habits…

Clinician Position for SHC

Research and News December 2016

Does skin permeability increase the risk for food allergy?
Antibiotics may not be there to save us if we don’t act to reduce their use
Embrace aging for better emotional well-being
Frozen vegetables are a reasonable compromise
Secrets of modern-day hunter-gatherers
Bugs and Mood – Human Proof
A SAD Story for US Life Expectancy
Misunderstanding High Fat Diets and Cancer
Food Manufacturers Are Removing Carrageenan
Highlighting a Methylation Adaptogen: Curcumin
Vitamin D Deficiency During Pregnancy; Another Piece in the Autism Puzzle
Spotting depression in early childhood
Sugar Research Funding Casts Findings in Different Light
Can Cured Meats Worsen Asthma Symptoms?
Uterine Microbiota and Pregnancy Success

Clinician Position for SHC

Research and News November 2016

You eat more calories if you’re sleep deprived
Insulin resistance lowered 30% with just one day of low-carb eating
Diet is a significant factor in migraines
Cultivate delayed gratification skills to improve your food choices
Consuming too much alcohol? Check your stress levels.
Night shift work increases cancer risk for men, which can be partially offset by daytime napping
Maternal B12 deficiency and increased type 2 diabetes and metabolic dysregulation in offspring thought to connect through methylation and epigenetic gene regulation
Emulsifiers, a common food additive linked to colon cancer via altered gut microbes
Easy breathing for non-meditators
Improve sleep quality by reducing smartphone screen time?
E-cig vapors contain cancer-causing chemicals
Skin microbes protect against oxidative stress
Probiotics improve cognition in Alzheimer’s patients
Baby, meet peanuts! Reducing the risk for peanut allergy.
Stress changes maternal gut flora and leaves offspring with long-lasting effects
Gut microbes as messengers for cross-talk between the immune system and glucose metabolism
Probiotics+diet may more than double A1C reductions vs diet alone
Schizophrenia: the role of the gut-brain axis