Video Blog: Does Multivitamin Use Increase Mortality Risk?

Could taking a daily multivitamin actually increase mortality risk (i.e. risk of death)? This video blog takes a deep dive into the problematic research methodology of a 2024 research study on multivitamin use and mortality risk which caused a stir on popular media and news outlets.


Best of 2023 in Functional Medicine and Longevity

As 2023 draws to a close, here’s the content you liked most this year, and as usual it aligns with what we loved as well. Going beyond longevity and epigenetics, this year we covered a wide range of cutting-edge topics – from SPMs, urolithin A and OS-01 peptides, to nuanced thinking and recontextualizing established themes such…

Case Studies: Targeting Gut Health in Two Very Different Patient Scenarios

Dr. KF SPONSORED CONTENT I am eternally grateful to our sponsors who, by blogging, podcasting, and advertising with us, enable me and my team to devote energy and time to writing, research, and education. All the companies who sponsor us are those I trust for myself, my patients, and my fellow practitioners. Please check out…

New and Notable Studies Using Epigenetic Biological Age Clocks

This blog was written by Romilly Hodges MS CNS CDN IFMCP   Last month I was honored to be invited to speak at the American Nutrition Association annual summit on the topic Targeting Biological Age with Diet and Lifestyle. Not only was it a much-appreciated opportunity to connect face-to-face with colleagues, but it was also…

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald receives the Rosalind Franklin Society Special Award in Science

Last month, I was awarded the Rosalind Franklin Society Special Award in Science for my research on using a diet and lifestyle program to favorably change DNA methylation and reverse biological aging. I’m humbled and honored to receive this award, which is given to the top papers of the year written by women or underrepresented…

Think Mushrooms as a Powerful Therapeutic Tool and Epigenetic Modifier

Mushrooms are a powerful, and often underutilized, tool for health and longevity. They provide important nutrients, including those used in methylation cycles- folate, choline, and zinc for example. Their bioactive compounds also act as DNA methylation adaptogens, with the ability to influence gene expression and even potentially biological age. It’s why mushrooms feature as one…

Eggs: Should we eat them, and why is advice still polarized?

Eggs are one of those controversial foods that we were warned against for almost half a century. However, recent years have seen both the American Heart Association and Dietary Guidelines for Americans reverse their restrictions on eggs and dietary cholesterol intake. Rightly so – the evidence didn’t support them, and their redirected emphasis on dietary…

An Interview with Dr. Fitzgerald on her Latest Research Publication and More

Dr. Fitzgerald’s latest research peer-reviewed publication (published March 2023 in the journal Aging) reports on a case series of women who followed a structured version of her 8-week bioage-targeting protocol. Collectively, the participants reduced their biological age by an average of 4.60 years compared to their baseline. In this month’s blog, we pose some key…