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The Future of Healthcare Policies & Advocating for Reform with John Weeks

I had the honor to sit down and chat with a leader in our field regarding public health policy and advocacy, John Weeks. What a tremendous force behind the movement of bringing integrative and functional medicine to the forefront of healthcare – and with his 40 years of insight, it was a gift to get a sit-down to discuss where we are, and where we’re going – and how we can get there together. Listen in as we discuss how to create a collaborative and unified vision to light the path for the future of medicine – which will help patients, clinicians, and our entire community. The conversation left me invigorated and inspired and I’m confident it’ll do the same for you. Listen in, and let us know what you think by leaving a comment, review, or shooting us an email. Thanks as always, for the gift of your time. ~DrKF

Episode 69: Sponsored | Telomere Integrity: What Clinicians Need to Know with Dr. Joseph Raffaele

Sponsored |The Best Biomarker of Aging: What Clinicians Need to Know

I am particularly fascinated by new advances in testing biological age and how these biomarkers relate to disease risk. My podcast guest today is Dr. Joseph Raffaele MD, a leading expert, researcher, and clinician on the topic of biological aging and telomeres. We talked last year on New Frontiers, and I’m psyched to continue the conversation!

This time, Dr. Raffaele and I explore the various tests he uses to determine physiological age and disease risk, and go big into how senescent T cells and infections, such as cytomegalovirus, increase COVID-19 risk, particularly in a younger, seemingly healthy population. You’re going to love this enticing convo on the role of aging as it relates to disease and COVID-19 risk, and might find some great take-away clinical pearls to use in your own practice. Settle in, this is a good one, and let me know what you think by leaving a review or comment! ~DrKF

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Stage IV Cancer: Dr. Patrick Hanaway’s Personal Experience with Functional & Integrative Modalities

Is it fair that I say – yet again – that this was my best conversation this year? My most deeply personal, honest, heartfelt, love-filled, scientific, evidence-informed (and pearl-ladened) conversation on cancer and recovery? Well, Dr. Patrick Hanaway, MD is a mentor, a colleague, a friend, and an amazing guy. His journey as a leader in functional medicine through stage IV laryngeal cancer and his embrace of a metabolic approach was profound.

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Best Tests and Treatment for Remediating Environmental Impacts and Optimizing Brain Health with Dr. Tom O’Bryan

There’s no better person to have on New Frontiers to talk about the underlying mechanisms that activate an immune response than Dr. Tom O’Bryan, a foremost expert in understanding wheat sensitivity and the development of autoimmune conditions and cognitive dysfunction. What a pleasure to talk to! Settle in: this is a great, fun, and informative podcast covering all the way back to Tom’s first exposure to EMF in 1978 to the hundreds of pounds of toxins we are all exposed to daily. We cover brain health (of course!) and Tom shares which labs he uses and why, how to interpret them, and the interventions he’s using to help fix his patients’ brains. Clinicians: you’re sure to grasp great insight to share with your patients, and we (practitioners or not!) can all learn A TON about food sensitivity and autoimmunity with this master teacher and clinician. Would appreciate you sharing, commenting, and rating – wherever you listen to New Frontiers! Thank you! ~DrKF

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Dr. Mark Pimentel Presents New Perspectives on SIBO and IBS

Dr. Mark Pimentel. We all know him as the clinician/scientist who understands the varied pathogenic underpinnings of IBS/SIBO/IMO. In my recent conversation with him, we cover the definition of terms, causes, when to use a stool test. We discuss the Pimentel low fermentation diet, intervention (including botanicals), and diagnosing hydrogen sulfide (a test is coming soon, but wasn’t available at time of recording). Probiotics: any utility? Elemental diet, and so much more. Grateful to have Dr. Pimentel on the podcast, and know you will benefit from this insightful convo. Thanks for listening, please leave a review if you can! ~DrKF

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Sponsored: In Pursuit of Best Practice for Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT)

As a functional medicine clinician and scientist, I absolutely appreciate the deep literature dives my colleagues take. When they come up for air, there is a synthesized body of knowledge that is riveting, satisfying to listen to, trust-worthy and, most importantly, practice changing. Such was my conversation on all things menopausal hormone therapy with Dr. Doreen Saltiel, currently consulting for Precision Analytical (they’re lucky to have her). She spent the bulk of her impressive career as an interventional cardiologist (although confesses she wanted to go into OBGYN) and jumped into integrative and functional medicine after her own “ah-ha” healing journey, involving hormone replacement therapy, relatively early on in her life.

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Addressing Root Causes of Neurodegenerative Diseases with Dr. Dale Bredesen

I very much enjoyed my conversation with Dr. Dale Bredesen – from his story of finding functional medicine (it’ll resonate with many of you, as it did me, I’m sure) to where the ReCODE program is now (pay attention to the large clinical trial now underway and the refinements of Dr. Bredesen’s thinking over the last decade), and the launch of The End of Alzheimer’s Program (a goldmine resource for clinicians and regular folks alike). Links on the podcast show notes page, be sure to check them out. Thanks for listening!

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Understanding Genetics of Aging with Harvard Professor Dr. David Sinclair

Harvard scientist and NYT best-selling author David Sinclair, PhD and I take a tour around the science of aging. If aging is THE root cause of all of the chronic diseases of aging, then arguably, if we focus on the aging journey itself, we might be able to stop playing “whack-a-mole medicine.” A lot of complex environmental, genetic, epigenetic and biochemical processes go into the aging journey, however, as Dr. Sinclair discusses, it looks like a very heavy lifter in aging is epigenetic changes – specifically, DNA methylation and demethylation (plus histone acetylation). In this episode of New Frontiers, learn about the amazing research going on at Dr. Sinclair’s lab, hear what’s getting translated to humans, and what you can do NOW to stop the epigenetic clock from ticking…. Listen and learn, leave us a 5 star review if you’d be so kind, and be sure to share with your colleagues! ~DrKF

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Making Functional Medicine Accessible and Profitable with James Maskell

COVID19 is upon us. Months earlier, we scheduled James Maskell to discuss his recent book: The Community Cure. Amazingly, his message today is all the more urgent. James argues for the group visit model, was an early adopter and proponent of group visits (in fact, we discuss the pre-publication Cleveland Clinic group visit research findings, which are astonishingly good; even better than the first JAMA publication comparing functional medicine one-on-one with family medicine.) Now, with COVID19 and self-isolation, the virtual visit and the virtual group visit (where James saw FxMed eventually going) is upon us. And specifically, his vision is that this model works in insurance- and even Medicare. James’ message – the promise of functional medicine – is timely, inspiring and essential. ~DrKF

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Episode 86: Sponsored | Panoramic Microbial Assessment: The GI360™ Stool Test with David Quig, PhD

The GI360 is a smart, evidenced-based stool test that is easily actionable by the clinician. Listen to my conversation today with VP of Scientific Support from Doctor’s Data, Dr. David Quig. One of the most useful tools I am aware of in stool testing is the Dysbiosis Test, which identifies and characterizes more than 45 targeted analytes across six Phyla using PCR and compares the patient results to a characterized normobiotic reference population. DDI is also using the Luminex PCR panel for pathogens, parasites and viruses – an FDA cleared panel for accurate detection of microbes that are almost always a problem. But what if they are not? Hear my discussion with Dr. Q on that. Finally, beta glucuronidase – it’s SO MUCH more complex than we’ve understood. Yes, we’re aware of the estrogen connection, but the BG story has evolved. We also walk through the chemistries – DDI includes a wide range of chems (appreciated by me and my colleagues here in our practice!). Give a listen, and leave us a review wherever you listen to New Frontiers! Thank you! ~DrKF