Functional Fudge Cake

Functional Fudge Cake Functional Fudge Cake Servings Prep Time Cook Time 12servings 10minutes 45minutes Servings Prep Time 12servings 10minutes Cook Time 45minutes Course Dessert Ingredients 12 tbsp. ghee approximately 3/4 cup1 cup chopped dark chocolate approximately 8-9 oz3 tbsp. whole flaxseeds10-11 tbsp. Water or sugar-free plant-based milk1/2 cup muscovado or coconut sugar for lower glycemic…

Gluten-Free Yeast-Free Quick Bread

This quick gluten-free, yeast-free bread recipe requires very little effort and is a pleasantly tasty surprise. Plus it’s main ingredient – sunflower seeds – are a Younger You longevity superfood. Seeds (and nuts) are powerhouses of DNA methylation (and therefore optimal gene expression and longevity), since they are rich in zinc, methionine, cysteine, magnesium, potassium,…

Longevity Rainbow Salad with Salmon

This is a quick and simple way to get in a large amount of your epinutrient-rich foods for the day and is my go-to breakfast and lunch combo. You can absolutely customize this to accommodate what you have in your fridge—I’ve included a base template below, before the actual recipe, so that you can see…

Tomato Cauliflower Rice

If you’re short on time, this is the perfect dish to prepare in advance to enjoy with your favorite protein for an easy and quick lunch or dinner. The recipe has been adapted from a family favorite, using cauliflower in place of rice so you can get an epinutrient-rich and Younger You-approved  veggie side dish…

Exercise Recovery Smoothie

  After exercise, food sources of antioxidants (in other words, all the ingredients in this recipe) are fabulously regenerative for the body. This recipe is also chock-full of electrolytes (such as the potassium, chloride, and magnesium in cantaloupe and coconut water) and trace minerals (from the small pinch of Himalayan pink salt) to replace what…

Sesame Crusted Salmon Bowl

If you are looking for a nutrient-dense meal to impress your guests – look no further. This Sesame Crusted Salmon Bowl is sure to please!  The bowl is packed full of epinutrients and includes four of the Younger You Dynamic Dozen foods, aka longevity superfoods. Salmon, in particular, is an epinutrient powerhouse and a great…

Epinutrient Minestrone

This soup is nothing short of an epinutrient extravaganza! Yes, it has beef liver, but it’s mixed with turkey inside a delicious meatball, so it’s not an overwhelming flavor. There is some chopping involved, but once that’s done, your labor is basically over and you’ve got five additional servings of leftovers (or four, if you’ve cooked…