
Essential Advice for Choosing Dietary Supplements

Supplement quality is a hugely important issue. There have been many instances of supplements not containing what they claim to, containing contaminants they are not supposed to (including ones that can be harmful), cost-cutting with cheaper nutrient types, and overstating health impacts. Learn how to navigate your dietary supplement selection right here with advice from our Nutrition Team. 


Back at School – Our Team’s Top Tips to Revitalize Your Lunch Box!

Are your school (or work!) lunches in need of a revamp? Are you struggling with ideas to keep things interesting and healthy? Want to learn some tips and tricks for encouraging your kids to make healthier lunch choices? Intrigued by what we’re putting in our own lunchboxes 🙂 ? This article gathers input from across our clinic team to help you make healthier lunches a reality. 

Indoor Air

The Best Indoor Air Purifying Machines… and Plants!

Surprisingly, indoor air can often be more polluted than outdoor air. Particles from home heating and cooling systems, tobacco smoke, off-gassing from furniture and building materials, and mold spores can all contaminate indoor air. Of course, outdoor air pollution can also make its way indoors when windows are open – traffic pollution particles in built-up areas and next to roads, chemical pesticide sprays in agricultural areas, and even mercury and ozone that are carried by wind over long distances.

climate change

Climate Change Series Part 1 – Planetary Health Equals Personal Health

As most of us go about our daily lives, climate change and planetary health may seem relatively removed. Yet all it takes is a few dots to connect our individual lives with the bigger environmental picture. In this Part 1 of our 2-part Climate Change series, we’ll shine the light on 8 very real points of health impact that will affect you and those you love.